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Somewhere With You (Windswept Bay Book 2) Page 7

  “Uh-huh. No funny business,” she warned. “You and your brothers better not be planning anything that will embarrass Grant or Cali. Or hurt the reputation of the resort. This is important.”

  He held up his hands. “I cannot believe that you would even think that I—that we—would do something to harm the wedding.”

  She didn’t believe him. “You’re up to something. Do not think I don’t recognize that twinkle in your eye. Heaven knows I was the recipient of the mischief behind that look many times growing up. I will personally hurt you if you goof this wedding up.”

  “Relax.” He turned serious. “I would not mess this up for anything. I’m just having a good time yanking your chain.” He grinned broadly.

  And she saw Gage grin too.

  “That being said, I’m still curious about why you’re standing on the little white bridge all hugged up and kissing Gage.”

  “Go away,” she demanded, struggling not to smile at the irritating brother who’d once tied her pigtails together while she slept.

  “I’m going.” He held out his hand to Gage. “Glad to meet you, man. Good to know someone can shake my tough sister up a bit with a little romance.”

  “Go,” she ordered before Gage could say anything.

  “Later, man,” Jake said. “I better go now so I can live to dive another day.”

  Shar did not blush but she did get hot and she felt fumes heating up her cheeks. Jake just went into the file with Meeks the plumber. When she got the nerve to look at Gage, he was leaning against the bridge railing, arms crossed and smiling.

  “He was just teasing you. No harm done.”

  “Easy for you to say. Now you know that having a big family does come with its drawbacks.”

  “I think you’re just embarrassed and that’s my fault. I’m sorry. And so you’re the tough sister?”

  She sighed, closed her eyes and counted to three as she fought to let the moment go. Why had Jake’s teasing gotten to her the way it had? “I’m blunt. People take that as tough.”

  “You’re also a kind-hearted softie.”

  That made her smile. “Well, don’t tell anyone or it might ruin my tough gal reputation.”

  He pretended to seal his lips. “Done. Let’s go see those murals.”

  She started to walk off the bridge; he fell into step beside her and slipped his hand into hers. The simple, easy gesture caused butterflies to flutter in her chest. And Shar realized that she very much liked the feeling.

  The pool and the mural came into view just a few steps from the bridge. “There it is.” Shar halted and let him take in the full effect of the water scene in front of them.

  “The main focus is sea turtles.” He knew this had to mean a lot to Shar and the way she beamed as she looked at it told him he was right.

  “McDreamboat did this to help bring attention to the sea turtles. And I love him dearly for it.”

  “It’s fantastic.”

  “Takes your breath away, it looks so real.”

  “Definitely,” he murmured, studying every aspect of it. Then he looked at her. She took his breath away. “There’s a lot to take in on the giant wall.”

  “I know. And there are things hidden, like a small crab peeking out from behind a shell and things like that. We have a game card that kids—or adults, for that matter—can get at the towel cabana and the kids can mark off each listed hidden surprise as they find it. Everyone is loving it. That was Cali’s idea because she knew that Grant liked to hide things in his paintings, so she made it into a game.”

  It was a brilliant idea, he thought. “I can’t get over it. So Grant painted this and Jax helped?”

  “Yes. Grant painted the majority of it, but Jax painted some of the plant life and the dolphin and other small creatures while McDreamboat, Grant”—she laughed—“focused on the focal points like the turtles. They did the same thing on the outside wall too. So do you know Jax?”

  “I met him. I broke down on the side of the road the first morning I was heading into Windswept Bay. I have to admit that I’ve never had any reason to change a flat tire. I have a driver in the city and when I travel, I usually have drivers. Needless to say, I was in a predicament when Jax pulled in behind my car and took one look at me and knew I had no clue. He’s a nice guy. I met his girlfriend Blair in the lobby.”

  “They’re in love. And Jax is a good guy. I’m glad he stopped to help you.”

  “Believe me, I needed it.”

  “Oh, I bet you would have figured it out one way or the other.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  She laughed again. “You’re welcome. Stay out of Manhattan high-rises for a while and you’ll be a regular person in no time.”

  “At the moment, I’m not even thinking about them.” And he wasn’t. He was thinking about getting her back in his arms and stealing another kiss. He shouldn’t have kissed her earlier but he found himself acting on impulse when he was with her. And he wasn’t going to feel bad about it because he’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  “Let’s head to the beach so you can see the masterpiece, the crowning jewel of the resort.” She grinned. “It really is gorgeous. We are very lucky to have it. McDreamboat, and I do hope you know I call him that fondly, outdid himself on the exterior mural.”

  “So why do you call him McDreamboat?”

  She chuckled. “Because he’s got that Patrick Dempsey look going…you do know about Dr. McDreamy from the TV series Grey’s Anatomy?”

  “Yes. I’d have to have been in a complete bubble if I didn’t know about the show. I overheard the office secretaries talking about him and the show every Friday morning around the water coolers.”

  “Thought so. And don’t feel left out, because you have the Paul Newman look going.”

  He laughed. “So you watch a lot of television?”

  “Movies mostly. I love a great movie. Cool Hand Luke and basically any movie Paul Newman was in is a favorite. And I will admit that I, like most females across the country, tuned in at least a few times to get their McDreamy fix.”

  He shot her a skeptical look. “Paul Newman.”

  “You know—you have that square chin and those amazing baby-blue eyes.”

  He grinned. “So my eyes are amazing?”

  “Are you fishing for more of a compliment? You know good and well you’ve got amazing eyes, among other extraordinary features.”

  “I’m not concerned about what I do or don’t have or what anyone else other than you thinks about my looks. But if you like something about me then I’m glad. I’ll take whatever advantage I can get.”

  He reached for her and she slipped out of his grasp, laughing as she moved out ahead of him on the sandy path. “Oh no you don’t. I’m not walking around a corner and having one of my other brothers pay me a surprise visit.”

  He grinned. “I don’t mind.”

  “Well, I do.”

  He was laughing when she spun and looked up. He did the same and was instantly in awe. “Wow.”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty much what everyone says. It’s kind of amazing, isn’t it?”

  Gage studied the painting for a while. There was so much about it. Dolphins were the focal point here and a colorful coral reef. It was four stories high, facing the ocean.

  “That’s going to be a spectacular backdrop for the wedding. Didn’t you say it was on the beach?”

  “Yes, there.” She pointed to an area. Behind it in the background was a cliff area with a lighthouse on it; to the side was the ocean and then to the other side was the mural. And then behind them was the expansive beach and the line of resorts dotting the coastline. “Every aspect will be photo ready now.”

  “If I show up, will you dance with me?”

  She turned to him and the ocean breeze had her dark hair dancing softly about her face. “Only if you behave.”

  “Now, where’s the fun in that?”

  “I’m serious, Gage. I need you to know I’m not
an island fling. But I don’t have my sights set on wedding bands either. So that puts this thing that’s going on between us in a hard spot. You should know that.”

  He stepped toward her. “I’d never think you were a fling of any sort. I’m just asking if I show up, are you going to dance with me?”

  She stared up at him with challenge in her eyes and after a moment, she nodded.

  His pulse hummed as he wrapped one arm around her and drew her against him. “This is not a fling,” he said, his voice rough, and then he kissed her again. Every ounce of him ached with the need to be closer to her. She moved in his arms. Her heart thundered against his as she gave in to the kiss; when her arms slowly came around him, the tension in him eased. He hadn’t come here planning on this but he couldn’t help himself. After far too short a moment, he made himself break the kiss and buried his face in her hair. The scent of sea breeze and some sweet scent filled his senses. “When I’m holding you, I feel like I’ve never felt before.”


  “Don’t let that scare you off, Shar. I’m just telling you that’s how I feel.”

  He leaned back and cupped her face, staring into her wide eyes. “Don’t overthink this.” He kissed the tip of her nose and then let her go. “Okay?”

  “Okay,” she said at last. “But I’m warning you like I warned my brothers: no acting up at the wedding. And that goes for the kissing thing too.”

  He grinned. “You know you enjoy the kissing as much as I do. I’ll see you at the wedding.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “You look beautiful, Shar. I knew that color was going to bring out your eyes.”

  Shar heaved in a deep breath as she glanced at Cali and then stared down at the fairy-tale dress she wore. It was a soft sea-green sheath beneath an overlaying, swirling, flowing dress in a translucent sea-green. The skirt danced just above her knees and shimmered in the light with each move she made. The first time she’d tried it on at the bridal shop she’d thought it was gorgeous but now, her thoughts had taken on an altogether different tone. She wondered whether Gage would think she was beautiful in it.

  She had not been able to get him and his tantalizing kisses off her mind during the last two days since she’d been in his arms on the beach.

  “I think,” she said slowly, “that is, other than your wedding dress, this is the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. And it’s a bridesmaid dress. I was afraid as you and the rest of the family began to marry that I’d be like the woman in that movie Twenty-Seven Dresses and have a closet full of really ugly bridesmaid dresses.”

  Jillian chuckled from where she was pulling on her dress. “I had the same thought. With as big as our family is, and if our brothers’ future fiancées ask us to be in their weddings, that the closet full of ugly dresses could be me.”

  “I would not put my sisters in ugly dresses.” Cali looked indignant at the very thought.

  Shar turned to give Jillian an are-you-kidding-me stare. “You’ll all get married before me. I’m not even thinking I’m going to get married. I’m having too much fun being my own boss and doing what I love.”

  Cali turned to stare at herself in the mirror and ran a hand over her gorgeous dress. “Oh, you may change your mind when the man of your dreams walks into your life.”

  The dreamy tone of her voice rang an alarm bell inside Shar as Gage filled her thoughts. Since he’d come out of the surf toward her that first morning, her life had been in a tailspin. She couldn’t deny it to herself…she wouldn’t admit it to anyone else but it was true. Suddenly in her mind’s eye, she saw him walking toward her, in black tuxedo pants and a crisp white shirt opened at the neck. And she was in a gorgeous wedding dress, holding a bouquet. She almost gasped the image was so real. So perfect.

  What was she thinking? She gave herself a mental shake. She wasn’t planning to get married. She wasn’t. And for crying out loud, she hadn’t even known him for a full week.

  It doesn’t matter.

  It did matter. It mattered to her.

  She focused on Cali. “This isn’t about anyone but you today, Cali. And you look stunning.”

  “Oh, so true,” Jillian added, coming to flank Cali as all three of them stared into the full-length mirror.

  Cali smiled and then looked sad. “I just wish Olivia had made it.”

  Shar was ready to have a long conversation with her sister Olivia. She was being secretive and hadn’t been home in months. And though she’d assured them that she wouldn’t miss the wedding for anything, she was doing just that. She’d called Cali at the last minute and told her she couldn’t make it. She hadn’t even given any real reason other than the fact that she was very tied up in her project at the studio and she couldn’t leave.

  Shar was not happy about it. She wouldn’t tell her sisters but she was starting to get a little worried. Olivia was acting…odd. This was unlike her. And that was a red flag to Shar.

  To Cali, she only said, “I’m sure if she could have, she would be here. You know Olivia. She might have her sights set on those big dreams of hers but family is very dear to her heart. You are very dear to her.”

  And it was true. And that had Shar worrying all the more.

  The door opened and their mother walked in. Violet Sinclair had thick, charcoal-gray hair and a dancer’s frame. She still carried herself like the dancer she’d been when she’d met and quickly married Sam Sinclair. She often told the story of how their dad had swept her off her feet when she’d come to the island for a couple of weeks of rest from a long dance tour. She’d been an independent, talented woman and she’d walked away from it and immediately began her large family.

  Shar often wondered what her mother had done with those dreams she’d had before she married. Though there was nothing about her life that gave Shar reason to wonder. Violet was a nurturer who dove into raising and nurturing her family and the guests at the resort at the same time. To Shar, she was Superwoman but she could not stop wondering about her life before family.

  “Mom,” Cali gushed, spinning from the mirror and crossing to their mother with open arms. “What do you think?”

  Violet’s entire face lit with joy. “That you are gorgeous. But more important, I think you are going to be as happy and blessed in this marriage as I’ve been in mine.”

  So much for Shar’s questions.

  “I truly believe I will be. I wouldn’t have said yes had I not thought so.”

  “Then, let’s get this wedding started. I came for my hug and kiss and to let you know your father is ready, the family is gathered, but most important, your groom is anxiously waiting for his bride.”

  Cali teared up and so did Shar and Jillian. “Mom, so sweet,” Cali managed through sniffles.

  Shar dabbed at her eyes. “Mom, yes, sweet, but we had all this makeup put on and now you’re going to ruin it with one beautiful line.”

  That made everyone laugh and helped ease the touching moment.

  Smiling, Violet cupped Cali’s cheek. “Give me five minutes to get out there to my seat and the wedding planner can get this wedding started.”

  And then she left and Cali’s hand went to her stomach. “I keep hearing Elvis singing that song ‘I’m So Happy I Could Die.’ Or toss my cookies.”

  And with that, they all burst into giggles.

  The music played as Shar walked down the carpeted path to stand beside Jillian. Because she could not choose between her sisters, Cali had them both acting as maids of honor; Shar carried the ring and would pass it to Jillian, who would pass it to Cali. The music switched, signaling Cali was about to start her walk down the small aisle.

  Shar found herself watching Grant as he watched Cali walking toward him. The expression of love on his face, in his gaze said that this was their moment. Love was written all over his face.

  He would be good to her sister and after all that Cali had gone through in her first marriage, she deserved nothing but happiness. Shar loved Grant for his love of her siste
r and she knew in her heart of hearts that this was the beginning of their happily-ever-after.

  Her thoughts shifted to Gage and Shar focused on the wedding, not on the unexplainable, overpowering emotions just the thought of him caused in her.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no man tear apart.” The words of the preacher startled Shar out of her wandering thoughts. Somehow she’d handed the ring over when she was supposed to but she’d been thinking about Gage.

  What was wrong with her?

  She focused on Cali and her McDreamboat of a brother-in-law as Grant took Cali in his arms and kissed her. Shar found herself looking out across the audience toward the reception area and there, standing near the side of the building, she caught a glimpse of Gage. Instantly she felt weak with seeing him. Her stomach dipped as she met his intense gaze.

  And in that moment, nothing else mattered.

  Something about this place had Gage’s senses in hyper drive. Or was it just Shar? Not just Shar but Shar in all her alluring ways. He was realizing that it didn’t matter whether she was saving a sea turtle, a puppy, or just looking at him with those eyes of hers: she got to him. And watching her as she moved forward, following the happy couple off the small platform where the wedding had been conducted, he knew she was his destiny.

  He had purposefully stayed away from her the last two days, giving her time to take care of the wedding plans and enjoy her family. But it was also to give himself time to cool down, back up, and try to get his head on straight.

  He’d arrived early, unable to stop himself from watching her in the wedding. He wanted to see Shar in the wedding. He’d been standing at the edge of the building, virtually invisible with the crowd that was gathered around watching from afar, and yet she’d looked out over the crowd and her gaze had found his. Now, as she reached the reception area, she glanced his way; he winked at her and saw the smile light her eyes. She was swept into a round of photos with the family and it was much later when she finally made her way through the crowd to him.