Somewhere With You (Windswept Bay Book 2) Page 8
He kept his hands to himself, though he wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms. “You’re beautiful and stunning this evening.”
“Thank you. I tried to clean up as good as I could.”
He chuckled and shot her an approving head-to-toe look. “You did a great job.”
“Cali picked out the dress. Come on, I’ll introduce you to Grant and the rest of my family.”
Her brothers all stood in a group, looking more than ready to peel off their jackets but a photographer buzzed around them, having them do different poses. Like he’d feel, they looked as if they were about at the end of their posing ropes.
“Are some of your brothers twins?” There was no mistaking that Jake and one of the brothers looked a lot alike. Though Jake had longer hair and the other brother wore a five-o’clock shadow. And the two together looked nothing like the other three brothers. And those three brothers looked strikingly alike but one looked slightly older.
“You’re right. Cam’s the oldest, then Levi and Trent are twins. And then Jake and Max look a lot alike but are a year apart. Their parents were killed in an accident and my parents adopted them. They grew up with us and my parents were already their godparents so they are my brothers from another mother and pop.”
“So, a set of twins and triplets in one family.”
“Bingo, you get a gold star.” She smiled and then tapped the female photographer on the shoulder. “I think they’ve had enough. Can you grab some promo shots from the other aspects of the wedding?”
The woman glanced back at the five men and smiled. “I can, but believe me, your brothers are going to make some stunning shots…” She paused as she focused on Gage. “You’re Benjamin Lancaster.” She stepped back and aimed her camera. “More good promo of the rich and famous at the resort. Smile, you two.”
Shar glanced at him and he smiled. “Promo for your resort,” he said and she smiled up at him. Just as the flash went off.
“Great,” the photographer said. “How about I get one with you and the brothers? And if I could get Grant over here, it would be an amazing shot. Might even make a cover shot. I’ll be right back.”
Shar glared after the woman. “I tell you, the publicist hired her and she’s one pushy lady.”
“But she’ll have you some good promo shots for the resort when she’s done. I’ve learned in this life that sometimes if you’re not pushy you don’t get what you want. If you want something or have a job to do, either way you’ve got to go for it.”
“Well, if you put it that way, then she is going to go far.”
He smiled. “Works for me.”
“Gage.” Jake stepped up. “You still hanging around my sister?” He grinned at Shar.
“I am. How are you?”
“I’m good. Be better when I can peel this monkey suit off but all in all, doing well. Come on, I’ll introduce you to the brothers. Don’t you need to go tend to some photo ops, sis? Looks like the warriorgrapher—the photographer—is gathering up the ladies now.”
“Ugh.” Shar sighed when she saw Jake was right. “I’ll be back.”
She hurried off and Gage watched her weave through the crowd.
“You know, she doesn’t date much. How are you managing being around?”
“Luck, I guess.”
Jake laughed. “Maybe.”
One of the brothers—looked like maybe the oldest of the group, maybe thirty-five—held his hand out. “I’m Cam. The older brother of this baseball team. You’ve obviously got something going for you. This is Levi, chief of police, so remember he’s got his eye on you. This is Max, Trent, and you know Jake.”
Each man held out his hand and shook. Gage felt as if he were under a microscope as they all stared at him with open curiosity.
“What brings you to the island?” Levi asked.
Jake nudged his brother. “Okay, Chief, don’t go all detective on him. We don’t want to run him off. From the way Shar’s been acting lately, she might come after you for doing it.”
All the brothers studied him and he realized that Jake had filled them in on the kissing on the bridge incident.
“He won’t run me off. And it’s fine. I’m here for some time off.”
“It’s a good place for that,” Max said. “You should do some diving while you’re here. Jake’s is the place to go.”
“I’ve never dived.”
“You’re missing out, man.” Jake tapped his chest. “Come see me and I’ll fix you up.”
“I might do that.”
“You won’t be sorry. Better yet, get Shar to bring you over.”
He hadn’t known how the brothers would react to him, especially once he realized Jake had told them about finding him kissing Shar. But he quickly figured out that they were protective of her and concerned for her but happy she was seeing someone.
That being said, he knew without thinking too hard about it that none of them would like it if she were hurt.
Which he had no plans to do.
Chapter Twelve
Shar headed back to rescue Gage from her brothers when a short, plump, pretty woman cut her off. She had intensely white hair styled to perfection and bright rose lipstick.
“Shar Sinclair,” she drawled in a thick Southern way.
Instantly Shar’s spirits sank. She’d managed to hide out all week from the nightmare that was Mrs. Albert Talbert.
“It’s me, Mrs. Albert Talbert.”
As if Shar needed clarification.
“I’ve been looking for you all week. Bless your heart, you must not work but a few hours of the day.”
Shar forced a smile. “Mrs. Talbert.” The words came out stiff. “I hope you are enjoying your stay.” She’d heard the woman was looking for her and she’d made certain to not be around at those times. It had made her feel a little bad but she really hadn’t tried too hard.
“That’s why I’ve been hoping to see you. We have had an absolutely wonderful time. Wonderful, I tell you. You may have had a rough time getting all the details right, forcing me to stay on your case much more than I would normally have to do but…” She paused dramatically. “In the end, you and your resort have come through with flying colors. I’m making the recommendation to the committee that we have a ladies’ retreat here at least once a year.”
Shar could not believe her luck. “That’s wonderful to hear. I’m thrilled you and all the ladies had such a good time.”
“You must give that Gracie a raise. That young woman gets every detail right and I not once had to tell her she’d gotten some detail wrong.”
Shar gritted her teeth. “Isn’t that wonderful.” She felt someone at her elbow. Gage. Her mouth went dry as he smiled at her and then held his hand out.
“I’m Gage Lancaster.”
“Oh, and I’m Mrs. Albert Talbert.” Her pink lips flashed instantly into a wide smile. “Hon, is this handsome man yours?”
Shar almost laughed and started to tell the woman no but Gage took her hand in his.
“Yes, ma’am, I am. And if you would excuse us, I’ve been promised a dance by the lovely Shar.”
“Of course. I think I see Grant Ellington heading to the punch bowl. I need a photo with him. Thank you again, Shar. We leave early tomorrow but I’ll see you next year.”
“Not if I see you first,” Shar said under her breath.
Gage laughed softly in her ear as he pulled her into his arms and spun them out onto the dance floor. “You’re all tensed up. Relax,” he coaxed, and his warm breath tickled her ear.
“Thanks for rescuing me.” She looked at him.
“I couldn’t help noticing from across the way that you looked stiffer than a steel poker, so I thought I’d see if I could help.”
“I do like an observant man.”
“Anything for the pretty lady. And just so you know, I am yours.”
His soft words echoed through Shar; she faltered and stepped on his foot.
“Gage.” She looked up a
t him. “What are you doing? You barely know me. You’re going back to New York next week or soon after that—”
“Maybe not.”
“Well, I’m not going there. I told you, I don’t want—”
He pulled her closer against him. “You don’t want what, Shar? Love, passion, desire? Because I feel that for you. All of it. And I do know you. You can’t tell me you don’t feel it. Because I know you do.”
Shar moved automatically to the rhythm of the slow dance, but her mind was in chaos. She shook her head. “No, some people get swept off their feet. Not me. I have a life of my own, Gage.”
His heart beat with hers, as if her heart and his heart were locked together in a dance, intricately intertwined together. She tried to pull away, tried to put distance between them but his arm held her gently but firmly with him.
All the thoughts of him, the daydreams rushed at her. They were just daydreams. Not really what she wanted. Were they?
She raised her gaze to him and he kissed her forehead. “I would never take you away from your beloved sea turtles. I see the value of your work and it is the first thing about you that I fell in love with.”
The music faded. They were at the edge of the dance floor and Gage pulled her into the shadows. Shar fought what he was saying. Tried to understand why he would be saying these things so quickly. So suddenly. “Gage, you’ve suffered the death of your last living parent. You’re overworked, torn and here to sort your life out. And to mourn. You are…” She searched for words. “You are putting emotions on me somehow. That’s it. You need time to adjust to what’s happening in your life. I’m just an escape from it. That’s it. I’m an escape. The sea turtle rescue started it. Don’t you see?”
He stared at her and said nothing.
“You know I’m right.” She felt more certain that she’d hit exactly on his problem. And the feelings she’d so suddenly and quickly felt for him were because she was drawn to rescue living things.
“You really believe that?”
She nodded, as her head buzzed with thoughts and remembrances of his touch, his kisses, his laughter. “What you think you feel for me isn’t real. You’re…you’re a ship trying to find your anchor.”
He’d just been staring at her, his jaw tight. Behind him, the ocean glistened in the moonlight. Now his brows knit and his blue gaze flashed; she saw it even in the dim light.
“I know what I feel, Shar. You’re right—I am a ship trying to find my anchor but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a clear head. I know what I want. And I want you.”
She stepped back, panicked. “I…I warned you. I told you I wasn’t looking for anything. I have my life. I need to get back to the wedding. They’ll be cutting the cake and I need to be there for Cali. They’ll be leaving soon.”
The look in his eyes cut through her and she fought not to reach for him. “I’m sorry, Gage.” Not waiting for him to say more, she spun and walked back to the wedding party. Her stomach churned like waves in an angry sea. But she put one foot in front of the other and walked on.
It was the only thing she could do right now.
Gage shoved a hand through his hair and watched Shar walk away from him. What was wrong with him? He suddenly felt like a number-one royal mess-up.
He could walk into a room and negotiate mega deals but where she was concerned, he couldn’t even keep his head on straight. He’d pushed too fast, too hard. And this was what it got him. Standing under the moonlight—alone.
Feeling like a royal jerk, he strode back to the reception and headed toward the parking lot. Maybe Shar was right. Not about how he felt about her, because she was dead wrong about that. He’d fallen in love with her and nothing could change that. But where his dad was concerned and his life, maybe he had been focusing on her rather than getting everything else dealt with.
He slid into his car and slammed the door. Gunning the engine, he backed out of the parking lot. The tires squealed as he turned onto the road and sped toward his rental. Not even bothering to open the garage, he parked in the drive and stalked to the front door and let himself inside.
Stopping in the dark kitchen with only the moonlight shining through the expansive windows, he headed out to the deck. It would be a long time before he’d sleep—if he did at all.
Shar had warned him. She’d told him she wasn’t on the market and he’d pushed her. He’d been the one who’d pursued her, kissed her. It had all been initiated by him and she’d warned him all along the way. Even when she hadn’t verbalized it, he’d known it was there by the look in her eyes and different signs.
And still he’d pushed. Believed what he was seeing at other times and feeling in her responses to his kisses that she was feeling what he was feeling and just denying the strength of their connection.
Had he been wrong about her feelings?
Or was she hiding from her feelings? Or maybe from something else?
It was nearly three in the morning when, with no idea where to go next with Shar, he finally pushed up out of the chair, damp from the night fog that had rolled in. When he walked into the house, he realized that it was unusually dark. Had it been this dark before? With no moonlight streaming in, he noticed there was no blue light coming from the electric pads of the microwave or the stove. No lights of any kind anywhere.
The electricity was out.
Fishing his phone from his pocket, he clicked on the flashlight app and went back out into the garage in search of the breaker box. He found it in the storage room behind a stack of storage boxes. Setting his phone down, he pushed the stack of boxes out of the way. But when he went to open the breaker box, he hit the top box with his arm and it crashed to the floor. “Perfect,” he muttered, studying the breaker box to see whether any of the main breakers had blown. Nope. He was going to have to call the electric company—the lights suddenly came on and flooded the room with light.
Great, at least that was one problem he hadn’t had to fix.
He saw that the box had been filled with books. He bent to one knee and sat the box upright and then started putting books inside. He saw a photo had slipped from one of the books and was hanging halfway out. He went to push it back into the book and stopped…it was a picture of his dad. What was his dad’s picture doing in this house?
Chapter Thirteen
Shar held Rufus tightly in her arms and held her emotions in even tighter. She’d been numb ever since she’d walked away from Gage. She’d had to focus on Cali. It was Cali’s night and nothing in her life could interfere with making sure her sister had the perfect wedding reception and was sent off on her honeymoon with hugs and kisses and a beautiful event.
That Shar was falling apart inside was of little importance. At least then. Now, staring out her window into the dark, murky night, she was a basket case and it was all Gage’s fault. Darn the man!
She scratched Rufus’s head and then buried her face in his scruffy neck. “Why, why, why, did I let myself get into this spot, Rufus?”
At the sound of his name, the pup barked.
She heaved a sigh and looked back up. It was nearly two and she had a busy day starting in about five hours. She had to at least try to get some sleep. And maybe things would look better in the daylight.
She’d just crawled into bed when the lights went out.
Great. Just great.
It was pitch black because the fog had set in earlier and covered up the moonlight. Rufus had been curled up at her feet. Now he moved up the covers and curled up against her chest.
“You’re right, fella. I can’t do anything about this right now either so here I shall stay, curled up with you.”
Closing her eyes, she laid there. And laid there. She opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling…or where the ceiling was supposed to be. She couldn’t see it, so she stared up at the darkness…and thought of Gage.
By the time sunrise broke the horizon, Gage had found more pictures of his dad and a woman he did not recognize. Shock and even anger
had been his constant companion with each photo he found. And in some of the photos there was a boy, a toddler. And it wasn’t him.
Who were these people?
Why were they here in this house? He had questions and he would have them answered in a few hours when he started making calls to his office and his dad’s lawyers. That was the only place he knew to start looking for answers. Larry Stewart had been his father’s friend and lawyer for years. If anyone knew who this was, it would be Larry. But another question he wanted answered was why did Kym send him here? There was no way this could be a coincidence. No way.
He stared at the photo album that lay open on the kitchen island. He’d been looking at this one for a while now. The woman was beautiful; she had blonde hair and she looked to be around her dad’s age—maybe ten years younger. That would put her in her early fifties now, maybe even late forties. She might be younger than his dad but they looked happy. His dad looked happy.
There were pictures of them on a sailboat out in the bay. Pictures of them on the beach and his dad was smiling. His dad not only looked happy—he looked happier than Gage had ever seen him.
He looked at the time on his phone and thought about waking Kym or Larry up but instead he went to the bathroom and took a much-needed shower. His thoughts went to Shar as it always did at this time of morning.
Where was she running today? What would she save today?
He wanted to find her, to tell her he’d rushed her and that he’d slow down. But instead he would give her space. And he would deal with his own business. His new business: discovering who his dad was when he hadn’t been in Manhattan.
His dad had died too young at fifty-nine. And he’d obviously had secrets.
Half an hour later, he walked downstairs, picked his phone up off the bar and strode out onto the deck and called Kym.
She answered at the first ring. “You called. At last,” she gushed. “Benjamin, if you don’t do something, the London deal is gone. They are breathing down our necks and I’m holding them off but I’m afraid if I don’t tell them something soon—”