Somewhere With You (Windswept Bay Book 2) Read online

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  “I don’t pay you to tell me what to do, Kym,” he snapped, and then grimaced and sighed. “Look. I’ll deal with it. But right now I want to know why I just found photos of my dad in this house you rented for me.”


  “Because…look, if you would come home for the reading of the will… Mr. Stewart has been calling too. He left a message for you to get in touch with him ASAP.”

  “Why are the pictures here, Kym? You know something and I want it now.” He was firmer than he’d ever been with her. He wasn’t like that normally but this was not normal and she was obviously hiding something important from him.

  “Because, it’s your house.”

  Her words didn’t come as much of a surprise. He’d gone over everything about the situation that he knew and this was no coincidence. “And why do you know this and I don’t?”

  “Because, once when Mrs. Davies was out sick, she had to have me take care of a rental booking. There had been some sort of problem and the rental company had a big mix-up and she couldn’t handle it because she was sick. She said that there was to be no mention of the incident to anyone. Absolutely no one, including you.”

  “And why is that?” He didn’t say anything about what was in the photos. Not until he suspected whether she knew about the people in them.

  “I honestly don’t know. I, well, when you needed a place to stay, to disappear, I remembered about the house and I thought it would be a good place. I…the house was used as a rental. I had no idea there were pictures there. If you come for the reading of the will, I’m sure you’ll find out everything.”

  “I’ll call Larry.” He started to hang up and then stopped himself. “And I’ll get back to you on when I’ll deal with London. Let them know I’m setting up a date.”

  “I’ll tell them. And, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

  “It’s fine. I’ve got to go.”

  He immediately called Larry.

  The hospital was busy with tours and Shar intentionally tried to work out of the spotlight. Today she helped feed the turtles and then she helped Alex with the medicine.

  John had a day off today and she was covering for him.

  “So, I saw you dancing at the wedding last night with Gage. How’s that going?”

  She cut her eyes from the paper on the clipboard she was making notes on and his eyes widened. “That good? From the looks of it, I thought there was something going—”

  “I really don’t want to talk about this right now.”

  “Hey.” He held his hands up in surrender. “I’m just making an observation.”

  “Well, don’t.”

  They both went back to work, only her thoughts were instantly back on Gage. After a minute, she couldn’t keep quiet. “Hard-headed man,” she muttered.

  “Me or can I take a wild guess and say Gage?”

  “Yeah, Gage. The man, even though I told him I wasn’t interested in getting serious with anyone, he goes and tries to tell me that he’s serious. It’s been what? All of seven days since I met him! You don’t fall in love in seven days. You just don’t.” She tapped the pen on the clipboard and glared unseeing at the words there. After a few taps, she realized Alex hadn’t said anything. She looked up to find him studying her with an odd expression. “Well, what?”

  “You…are mad at the guy because he said he loved you?”

  She jammed a fist to her hip. “Did you not hear the seven days part of what I just said?”

  He looked indifferent. “Yeah, well, I guess if the guy feels it, he feels it.”

  She glared at him. That was not what she wanted to hear.

  “Hey, look, Shar, don’t look at me that way. I, for one, am your friend. But that doesn’t dismiss the fact that I had to come to grips with the fact that that’s all we will ever be. And that was because you said so.”

  “Don’t go there, Alex. We are friends. I can’t make it more than that. But you know I’ve always cared about you since we were in school. As a friend.”

  He looked frustrated but they’d been over this. She hadn’t gone into the specifics that day that Gage had asked her about Alex because there was no need. But now, seeing that Alex might still think—

  “Look, Shar. I get it. I understand it but, yeah, I have to say that when I saw the way Gage was looking at you the other night, I felt a jab in the gut. I can’t help but still wish there was more between us. But that’s just coming from my side. But you’re different right now. You looked at him different. There was—well, to be frank, there was heat coming off the two of you that rivaled what was coming off Cali and Grant. You might be mad at the guy but you’re lying to yourself if you say there’s nothing there. And I don’t care if it’s seven days or two years. When something charges you up, it charges you up and until today the only thing I’ve seen have this much fire coming off you is saving a sea turtle.”

  Shar’s mouth had dropped open and she snapped it shut as she considered what he’d said. “But—”

  The scanner in the corner went off. Odell from the call room’s voice crackled over the line. “Emergency call. Sea turtle in distress at the base of Lookout Point.”

  The base of Lookout Point was connected to the resort beach. She and Alex went in to motion at the same time and headed toward the ambulance.

  Shar pushed her own troubles aside as she climbed into the passenger’s seat and buckled in. Her adrenaline was pumping as Alex climbed behind the wheel and shot her a glance.

  “You all right?”

  She nodded. “I’m fine. Let’s go save a turtle.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Gage climbed out of his car and stared at the resort. His bag was tossed in the passenger seat and the private plane would be arriving at the airport within the hour. He’d tried to tell himself to just get on the plane, but he couldn’t leave without at least telling Shar good bye.

  He’d talked with Larry Stewart and could no longer put off going back. He had responsibilities and employees of the firm needed to know the company was going to be fine since the sudden death of his dad. And he had to handle the London deal. But first the will needed to be read and Larry had assured him there was information that would only be revealed during that time. He wasn’t authorized to share anything with Gabe until then. Gage had hidden out long enough.

  Still, he hadn’t been able to drive by the resort without stopping. He hated to leave not just because of Shar but there were so many things he hadn’t done here on the island that he’d wanted to do with her. He hadn’t taken Jax up on his offer and gone by the Lagoon Adventures. He hadn’t gone by and taken Jake up on snorkeling.

  And he hadn’t convinced Shar that he loved her.

  He had left unfinished business in New York and he was leaving unfinished business here. It seemed like his new pattern. Only he had no plans to let anything go undone. He never had.

  But at the moment New York waited.

  And who knew, time away might be exactly what he and Shar needed.

  He was halfway across the parking lot when he heard the siren. He recognized the sound and spun to see the Windswept Bay Sea Turtle Hospital ambulance roaring down the road. Gage’s adrenaline kicked in and he took a step back toward his car. They might need help and he knew that where that ambulance was, Shar would be there too. He was reaching for the door handle of his car, expecting the ambulance to fly by the resort and he was going to have to act fast to catch it, or at least keep it in his sights. But, to his surprise, it slowed and then swerved into the resort drive and sped past him through the parking lot to a gate at the back of the property. Shar jumped from the passenger’s seat, ran to the gate and swung it open. Gage ran to catch up to her and reached her just as the ambulance drove through the opening.

  “Shar,” he called, getting her attention. “What’s up?”

  Surprise lit her face when she saw him. “A sea turtle was found on the beach and it’s in a really bad way. It was hit by a boat prop.”

e was starting to close the gate and the ambulance was waiting on her. “Go.” He took the gate. “I’ve got this.”

  She nodded and didn’t wait for more as she jogged to the open door of the ambulance and jumped inside. Immediately it started moving across the sand toward the beach. Gage closed the gate and ran to catch up. He had left his suit jacket in the car, but wore a crisp, white, hand-tailored shirt with his dress slacks and Italian loafers—none of which was about to appreciate the sand and surf. Didn’t matter, Shar had been upset about the condition of the turtle and she might need him.

  The ambulance was at the base of Lookout Point and he pushed through the crowd and saw Shar and Alex kneeling beside a huge turtle that was still in knee high water. It looked bad.

  It had a huge chunk out of its shell revealing a terrible wound and there was also a huge gash in its head. The sight caused his stomach to lurch but he ignored it and moved forward.

  “What can I do?” He jogged into the water.

  Shar's hair was blowing in the wind and there was fire in her eyes like that first morning he saw her. There was a fierceness to her. Dear heaven above, I love her with every fiber of my being. God had made a warrior queen when he’d fashioned Shar and she was meeting her calling head on. His heart slammed against his chest as she glared up at him.

  “We have to get him to shore.”

  “Help her. I’ll get the wench ready.” Alex let go of the turtle then paused. “Good to see you, Gage. We can use you.” And then he jogged toward the ambulance.

  Shar was holding onto the turtle and clearly it was not good. Up close it was even worse than he’d suspected. He grabbed the turtle and helped hold it.

  Shar looked at him. “You’re going to ruin your clothes,” she snapped, “But thank you.”

  “They’re clothes, Shar. This is a sea turtle and he needs us.”

  Her eyes flared and then she blinked hard and he knew she was fighting back tears. “He’s in a really bad way. His spinal cord is exposed and…it’s just not good,” she managed.

  He smiled at her across the turtle. “He’s got you and Alex and the hospital to help him now. He’ll make it.”

  She nodded and took a deep breath then cleared her throat. She looked at the people on shore who were watching with concern written on their faces. “I need you three,” she nodded toward a group of strong looking teenagers. “Can you give us a hand?”

  And just like that the tears were gone and the warrior was back and taking control.

  The muscled teens came forward immediately. From their swift reaction Gage figured they’d just been waiting to be told it was okay to help.

  “What do you want us to do?”

  Shar nodded toward the ambulance where Alex was pulling a carrier from inside. “My partner is bringing a carrier. We’ll get it under him and then it’ll take all of us to get him to the ambulance and onto the lift. He’s a big one.”

  “We got this,” one of them said and the others agreed.

  Alex reached them. The carrier had strong poles with what appeared to be strong canvas attached to each.

  “Take this.” He handed Gage one side. “Like Shar said, we’re going to get this under him and then we’ll lift.”

  Shar lifted one hand off the turtle and pointed to the sides of the turtle. “Everyone take hold. Help hold him steady, and floating. Alex and Gage will get the carrier under him.”

  Working together they managed to get the canvas under him and the poles on either side. It didn’t take as long as Gage thought it would. The teens were great and he could read it in their expressions that they felt the undeniable adrenaline rush of knowing they were saving something magnificent. Just like he felt every time he had helped.

  “Now grab onto the poles. On the count of three we’re going to all lift and start toward shore.” Shar grabbed the pole in the center. Gage took the head of the pole beside her and Alex took the other pole across from him as two guys took their places beside Alex and one took the end on the other side of Shar.

  She counted to three and they all lifted. The turtle was dead weight and huge—Gage figured he had to be four hundred pounds. He was much larger than Don Juan.

  When they finally had him loaded Shar climbed in with the turtle.

  “You okay?” he asked Shar as he started to close the doors behind her.

  “I’m good.”

  He wanted to say more but now wasn’t the time. “Okay, good to know.” He closed the doors.

  Alex was addressing the teens. “Come by the hospital anytime and check on him. Are you guys the ones who called it in?”

  “Yeah, we did.”

  The big blond guy shrugged. “He looked hurt so Chad remembered seeing the hospital sign and googled the hospital number.”

  Chad looked worried. “Is he going make it?”

  “Hopefully. He’s bad but y’all found him so he’s got hope. We’ve got to go, but check on him at the hospital. We’ll give you updates and we need a name. You guys get to name him.”

  They all brightened. Chad grinned. “We’re Mustangs. That’s our football team. And we never give up. State champs this year. Name him that.”

  “Yeah,” one of the biggest guys chimed in. “Mustang.”

  “He’ll make it,” the blond added. “He won’t give up. He made it to shore didn’t he.”

  Alex grinned. “Mustang he is. Gotta go. Y’all did good.”

  Gage was already climbing into the passenger seat when Alex climbed behind the wheel. He shot Gage a grin and started the engine. “Hang on, Shar. We’re moving out. And we’ve got a shotgun rider.”

  Gage looked into the rear and saw Shar look over her shoulder. Their gazes locked and she gave a nod. “Move it, Alex. I’ve got the IV started,” was all she said as she turned back and went to work pulling bags of liquid from the shelves.

  Gage didn’t buckle up but waited so he could jump out and open the gate. When he climbed back inside Shar looked over her shoulder.

  “Thanks for helping, Gage.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Let’s roll, Alex.”

  Three hours later Shar walked out of the surgery room. Tired but hopeful she pulled off her vinyl gloves and tossed them in the trash. There was so much to be grateful about. It was a miracle Mustang had made it to shore and that the football players had seen him floundering. Mustang was very lucky not to have died and washed up to shore.

  And since surgeons didn’t just stand around the hospital waiting for injured turtles to show up they’d lucked out that one had been at the Marathon Keys Hospital just finishing a scheduled surgery. Mustang didn’t have time for a scheduled one. The surgeon had caught a helicopter and been here within the hour and now Mustang was holding his own.

  Now, it was time to see Gage. After he’d assisted the team in getting Mustang inside he’d borrowed someone’s phone and was out in the parking lot deep in conversation.

  She and Alex had both scrubbed up to assist the surgeon in surgery since John was off. That had been three hours ago. Now, she looked around for Gage but didn’t see him. She walked outside looking for him and that was when it hit her that he wasn’t there. He’d left.

  Her chest was tight with emotions as she walked back inside the building.

  Odell stuck her head out of the dispatch room. “You lookin’ for that hunk of charm and pizazz that was in here. If so, I’ve got a note for you.”

  “Why didn’t you say so before?” Shar took the note out of Odell’s outstretched hand.

  “Thought you’d take it,” the older woman said, grinning.

  “Thanks.” Shar said. “Did he leave?”

  “Yep. Caught a taxi over an hour ago. Not that he looked too happy about it. Wrote you that note and asked me to give it to you soon as you were out of surgery.”

  Shar’s stomach felt bottomless as she went back outside and tore the note open.


  You made a difference today. You always do. Keep it up. I had t
o go. People are waiting and no way out of it today. Like you said, I have things I need to confront.

  You were, and always will be, amazing. But then, I’ve found that when I’m somewhere with you…amazing is just to be expected.


  Tears sprang to her eyes. He was gone.

  She stood and looked as a sense of panic rose inside her. She’d messed up. Where was he?

  He’d been amazing.

  He’d come out of nowhere looking like he’d stepped out of a GQ magazine in a suit that was tailor made for him…and he’d raced into that water without a care in the world that he was ruining his clothes. He’d just wanted to help save a sea turtle.

  From the first moment she’d met him he had a heart for the things that mattered to her. He’d connected with her on a level that no one ever had before. But so had she with him.

  As much as she wanted to deny it she couldn’t. Couldn’t fight her love for him because she feared that somehow admitting she cared for him would change who she was because she knew now that argument wasn’t going to work. She loved him.

  She needed to see him. To…to talk…to tell him.

  She just needed to see him.

  She raced inside. “Odell. Where did he go?”

  “Honey, I told you. He didn’t tell me. But, I did hear him on the phone with someone and I’m pretty sure it was someone who was at the airport.”

  “Thanks. Tell Alex I had to run.”

  “I heard you.”

  She spun and Alex stood in the doorway. “Drive safe. And don’t be a jerk. Give the guy a chance.”

  She laughed. “Tell me how you really feel.”

  “Don’t be a jerk. Now go.”

  She was already fishing her keys out of her pocket as she headed for the exit.

  He had at least an hour head start. It was a long shot but it was all she had and it...

  It wasn’t enough.

  An hour later she stood in the airport and felt completely devastated that she didn’t see him and at a loss how to find him if he was there.